License info
Posted January 27, 2017
YOU MUST obtain your marriage license in the state (or DC) where you’re getting married. For example, if you live in Virginia and are getting married in DC you must obtain a DC marriage license.
Check with the clerk’s website/office before going to applying for or picking up your marriage license the processes and requirements can change without notice.
Virginia Marriage License Information
You can apply at any Virginia county court clerk’s office, and the license is valid anywhere in the Commonwealth.
Each Virginia county has a slightly different process, so check the Clerk’s website before applying for and picking up your license.
Virginia does not require blood tests or witnesses, and there is no waiting period or residency requirements.
Both parties must appear together, and each must present an UNEXPIRED (valid) government-issued picture ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport, military ID)
The Virginia marriage license is valid for 60 days from the date it is issued
Loudoun County and the City of Alexandria offer VIRTUAL appointments. Check their websites for the virtual appointment process.
Alexandria allows you to apply in person without an appointment or submitting your application online ahead of time.
Fairfax, Arlington, Prince William, Loudoun, and Stafford counties require you to submit your application online before coming in person to get your license
Arlington, Prince William, and Loudoun counties require you to schedule a time to pick up your license using their online scheduling calendar
Fairfax and Stafford counties allow you to walk in and get your marriage license without an appointment after submitting your application online
Fauquier County only accepts marriage license applications by mail. Check their website for instructions.
Spotsylvania County is open on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month for marriage licenses.
Divorce papers are not required (though check with Arlington County since they did require divorce papers at one time)
The clerk’s office hours are 8:00 – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Note: Virginia requires all officiants be licensed by a Virginia court to perform weddings. Virginia does not accept online ordinations
Here are links to several of the Northern Virginia circuit courts:
Maryland Marriage License Information
Here is the key information you need to obtain Maryland marriage license:
If you are the Maryland resident of the county where you are getting married, you MUST obtain your license in that county where you are getting married.
If you are a Maryland resident but NOT a resident in the county where your wedding is being conducted, you can apply for your license online in the county where you live, using the non-resident application form offered by the state. Go to the county website where you are getting married, download the application, fill it out, have it certified as
instructed on the form, and mail it to the County Clerk’s Office address on the form with your fee
The Maryland marriage license is valid for six months from date of issue and only in the county where it is issued
Only one party is required to appear in person to apply for a Maryland marriage license
Bring your government issued ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.). If only one person is applying for the license bring a clear photo copy of your spouses ID
Maryland has a 48 hour waiting period from the date the license is issued.
If you are divorced you will need to know the month and year of the divorce along with the jurisdiction where the divorce was decreed. You can bring your divorce papers but they’re not required
No blood test is required
There is no proxy option in Maryland
Please check with the county clerk’s office for current marriage license fees since marriage license fees are different for each county.
Here are the links to several Maryland County circuit courts:
District of Columbia Marriage License Information
You can now apply for your DC marriage license online and in-person.
You can obtain your marriage license at the DC Courthouse located at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 in room JM 690 – basement level – (Archives or Judiciary Square Metro stops).
The DC marriage license bureau is open Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:00 (last application is taken at 4:30). Expect to spend 30 to 90 minutes to complete the application process. Some days they are very busy.
There is no waiting period is Washington, DC.
DC Marriage License General Information
The DC marriage license has no expiration date and is valid only in the DC
You can download and print the marriage application from the DC marriage bureau website
You can also submit your application online.
If you are applying in-person, just fill out the marriage application and take it with you when you apply (you can also get an application when you arrive at the marriage bureau)
The name of an officiant licensed by the DC marriage license bureau is required before your license will be issued – NOTE: you can apply without the name of a licensed officiant
Only one spouse is required to apply in-person for the license
No blood test is required
DC allows for a proxy to apply on behalf of the couple (you do not have to apply in-person) – Wedding Ceremonies by Jeff offers this proxy service.
Cash and credit cards are accepted – The current DC license fees are $45.00.
Bring with you:
Your government issued ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
If only one person is applying bring a clear photo copy of your spouse’s driver’s license. NOTE: DC requires the original passport or a notarized photocopy of the passport.
The marriage license application (filled out of course)
If divorced, you will need to know the month and year of the divorce, and the jurisdiction where the divorce was decreed. Divorce papers are not required.